[mou] Large Flycatcher ID help

Pastor Al Schirmacher PastorAl@PrincetonFreeChurch.net
Wed, 7 Sep 2005 13:57:01 -0500

Need some ID help.

Over the last two days I've observed a large flycatcher at Pioneer Park in
Princeton, MN.  The bird is around eight inches or so in size, yellow wash
on the stomach (which extends quite high on the breast), some white on the
tertial edges.  It has a slight crest (not pronounced), but (here's the rub)
no apparent rufous on either the tail or wings.  The head is quite dark.

In many ways it resembles Sibley's juvenile Great Crested, but without the
rufous coloring.  GC's do nest within the park (have had numbers from 2-7
throughout the summer in this small park).

Speaking very subjectively, it's "jizz" is doesn't seem quite right for a
GC - but I'm not a flycatcher expert by any means.

Am I just looking at an unusual juvenile, or...?  Seems to me to be a bit
early for a western wanderer (Dusky similarities not withstanding).


Al Schirmacher