[mou] Feedback on Beaver vs Muskrat?

Ron Green rongreen@charter.net
Sun, 11 Sep 2005 21:21:43 -0500

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I wanted to write and thank everyone for their input on the image =
question of whether the subject was a beaver or a muskrat. Basically, =
the vote was 50/50. The only thing that broke the tie was a letter from =
the Trempealeau Wildlife Refuge saying that the vote there was =
"unanimous for a beaver!" I suspect that no matter how many people I =
poll, a degree of uncertainty will remain. With that in mind, I believe =
I will change the file name to "beaver_muskrat".  Thanks again everyone.

Ron Green
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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>I wanted to write and thank everyone =
their&nbsp;input on the image question of whether the subject was a =
beaver or a=20
muskrat. Basically, the vote was 50/50. The only thing that broke the =
tie was=20
a&nbsp;letter from the Trempealeau Wildlife Refuge saying that the vote =
was "unanimous for a beaver!" I suspect that no matter how many people I =
poll, a=20
degree of uncertainty will remain.&nbsp;With that in mind, I believe I =
change the file name to "beaver_muskrat".&nbsp; Thanks again=20
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Ron Green<BR><A=20
