[mou] RE: [mnbird] From Fillmore County

Alt, Mark Mark.Alt@bestbuy.com
Mon, 12 Sep 2005 15:08:45 -0500

I wonder what the significance is of who is still singing? I did some
research on Sedge Wrens when I heard a bunch of them on territory
singing in Pine County in September and was surprised they are well
known to delay breeding in dry summers until they find an appropriate
wetland, and they then set up territory and breed through the early
fall! I wonder what makes the expenditure of energy worth it for Vireos?

Mark Alt=20
Brooklyn Center, MN=20
"I recalled that I had read somewhere that in the Middle Ages Hell was
envisioned as a place without birds." Jim Harrison=20

-----Original Message-----
From: Nancy Overcott [mailto:bigwoods@acegroup.cc]=20
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2005 3:03 PM
To: Alt, Mark
Subject: Re: [mnbird] From Fillmore County


I'm hearing Yellow-throated Vireos singing a lot. This morning a young
Rose-breasted Grosbeak was practicing his songs and was doing a fairly
good job. Not many other songs. Lots of call notes.


Nancy Overcott, from the Big Woods=20
Fillmore County, SE MN