[mou] MRVAC - Ramsey County - Field Trip Report - 9/13/2005

EgretCMan@aol.com EgretCMan@aol.com
Wed, 14 Sep 2005 06:24:28 EDT

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September 13, 2005
Minnesota River Valley Audubon Chapter
Ramsey County 
Field Trip Report
3 - participants
64 species observed
Enjoyed a short day of birding in Ramsey county today.  Our  group spent much 
of our time in Northern Ramsey county.  Starting at  Long Lake Regional Park, 
followed by Snail Lake Regional Park and Tamarack  Nature Center.  We ended 
our day with a walk at Crosby Farms Park on the  Souther edge of the county.  
Highlight of the day was a Le  Conte's Sparrow found in a small wetland along a 
trail at the NW end of Rush  Lake in Long Lake Regional Park.  We also 
encountered 10 species of  Warblers and 4 species of Vireos.  With most of those 
being observed at  Long Lake Regional Park.  Here are a few of the species we  
Common Loon - Snail Lake
Black-crowned Night-Heron - Sucker Lake
Yellow-throated Vireo
Blue-headed Vireo
Sedge Wren
Marsh Wren
Some of the Warbler observed were, Tennessee, Nashville, Northern Parula  & 
Wilson's Warblers.
Le Conte's Sparrow
Swamp Sparrow

Craig Mandel  - EgretCMan@aol.com - Minnetonka, MN 

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<DIV>September 13, 2005</DIV>
<DIV>Minnesota River Valley Audubon Chapter</DIV>
<DIV>Ramsey&nbsp;County </DIV>
<DIV>Field Trip Report</DIV>
<DIV>3 - participants</DIV>
<DIV>64 species observed</DIV>
<DIV>Enjoyed a short day of birding in Ramsey county today.&nbsp;&nbsp;Our=20
group&nbsp;spent much of our time in Northern Ramsey county.&nbsp; Starting=20=
Long Lake Regional Park, followed by Snail Lake Regional Park and Tamarack=20
Nature Center.&nbsp; We ended our day with a walk at Crosby Farms Park on th=
Souther edge of the county.&nbsp;&nbsp;Highlight&nbsp;of the day was a Le=20
Conte's Sparrow found in a small wetland along a trail at the NW end of Rush=
Lake in Long Lake Regional Park.&nbsp; We also encountered 10 species of=20
Warblers and 4 species of Vireos.&nbsp; With most of those being observed at=
Long Lake Regional Park.&nbsp; Here&nbsp;are a&nbsp;few of the species we=20
<DIV>Common Loon - Snail Lake</DIV>
<DIV>Black-crowned Night-Heron - Sucker Lake</DIV>
<DIV>Yellow-throated Vireo</DIV>
<DIV>Blue-headed Vireo</DIV>
<DIV>Sedge Wren</DIV>
<DIV>Marsh Wren</DIV>
<DIV>Some of the Warbler observed were, Tennessee, Nashville, Northern Parul=
&amp; Wilson's Warblers.</DIV>
<DIV>Le Conte's Sparrow</DIV>
<DIV>Swamp Sparrow</DIV>
<DIV><FONT lang=3D0 face=3DArial size=3D2 PTSIZE=3D"10" FAMILY=3D"SANSSERIF"=
>Craig Mandel=20
- EgretCMan@aol.com - Minnetonka, MN </FONT></DIV></FONT></FONT></BODY></HTM=
