[mou] eBird upated

Jim Williams two-jays@att.net
Fri, 16 Sep 2005 11:42:23 -0500

Message forwarded by Jim Williams, Wayzata

Cornell Lab of Ornithology and Audubon Launch New Version of eBird
New online tools allow birders to contribute important conservation=20

  Ithaca, NY, September 2005=96 The Cornell Lab of Ornithology and =
announce the release of eBird 2.0 at <http://www.ebird.org/>=20
www.ebird.org, an updated version of the powerful Internet-based=20
program currently used by thousands of birders.

  eBird is a free, user-friendly way for birders across North America to=20=

record, archive, and share their observations at any hour of the day.=20
It is also an important tool for conservation, providing researchers=20
with a comprehensive picture of the abundance and distribution of=20
birds. The data come to life via eBird's colorful new interactive=20

  In addition to a completely new look and feel, eBird 2.0 has a=20
streamlined data entry process and a suite of new output tools geared=20
toward the interests of today's birders. On customized "My eBird" pages=20=

users can now view their life, state and county lists=96all generated=20
automatically as individual reports are entered.

  There are two primary ways to search the data: by location and by=20
species. For example, trip-planners can view a list of all the species=20=

recorded near their destination. Those interested in learning more=20
about a particular species can view maps and charts showing seasonal=20
distribution and frequency of reports. eBird allows participants to do=20=

more than just record sightings; it helps them understand how their=20
observations fit into the big picture.=A0

  Begun in 2002, eBird is growing and changing as it builds a strong=20
base of dedicated observers. eBird already supplies data to researchers=20=

across the country, and new ways to extract and interpret information=20
will increase its value as a tool for bird conservation. In the coming=20=

years, eBird may have a role to play farther south in gathering=20
information in the Caribbean, Central and South America.

  Those wishing to learn more and to add their bird observations to this=20=

growing resource for conservation can visit <http://www.ebird.org/>=20

  The Cornell Lab of Ornithology is a nonprofit membership institution=20=

interpreting and conserving the earth's biological diversity through=20
research, education, and citizen science focused on birds.=A0

  Audubon is celebrating its centennial year of protecting birds and=20
other wildlife and the habitat that supports them. Our national network=20=

of community-based nature centers and chapters, scientific and=20
educational programs, and advocacy on behalf of areas sustaining=20
important bird populations, engage millions of people of all ages and=20
backgrounds in positive conservation experiences. =A0

  Kevin Naze
  Kewaunee County


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