[mou] Endangered Species Bill

J Schulz jaxi_schulz@yahoo.com
Thu, 22 Sep 2005 10:11:22 -0700 (PDT)

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Well in light of the concern expressed by several and certainly felt by many more ... perhaps it is time to make our voices heard ... do with it what you will ... but I highly support writing to the editor and your congress people ... at a time when critical habitat is being destroyed by nature at least we can try to keep human interference to a minimum ... just my 2 cents ...


It's official: the war on the Endangered Species Act has begun. California Congressman Richard Pombo's "extinction bill" is moving forward -- and it's just as bad as we feared. 

Click here to take action now: http://ga3.org/campaign/ESA_pombo/



Jaxi the Scuba Diva :-)
Yahoo! for Good
 Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. 
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<P>Well in light of the concern expressed by several and&nbsp;certainly felt by many more ... perhaps it is time to make our voices heard ... do with it what you will ... but I highly support writing to the editor and your congress people ... at a time when critical habitat is being destroyed by nature at least we can try to keep human interference to a minimum ... just my 2 cents ...</P>
<P>It's official: the war on the Endangered Species Act has begun. California Congressman Richard Pombo's "extinction bill" is moving forward -- and it's just as bad as we feared. </P>
<P>Click here to take action now: <A href="http://ga3.org/campaign/ESA_pombo/">http://ga3.org/campaign/ESA_pombo/</A></P>
<P>Jaxi</P><BR><BR>Jaxi the Scuba Diva :-)<p>
		<hr size=1>Yahoo! for Good<br> 
<a href="http://store.yahoo.com/redcross-donate3/">Click here to donate</a> to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. 
