[mou] Hummingbird id?

Pmegeland@aol.com Pmegeland@aol.com
Sun, 25 Sep 2005 14:59:37 EDT

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This morning I had two hummers at my feeder. One was a female Ruby-throated  
the other is a question. Unfortunately, the Ruby-throated defended the feeder  
vigorously and I did not get much of a look at the second bird. It was a  
greenbacked bird and appeared to be at least 25% smaller that the other. It  
seemed to have a smaller bill and shorter tail. I have been watching for the  past 
several hours and it has not returned. From the liturature I have, I can't  
find how much size variation there is in the Ruby-throated. Does anyone have  
anymore info on this. If it returns I will keep people informed.
Paul Egeland - Bloomington

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<DIV>This morning I had two hummers at my feeder. One was a female Ruby-thro=
the other is a question. Unfortunately, the Ruby-throated defended the feede=
vigorously and I did not get much of a look at the second bird. It was a=20
greenbacked bird and appeared to be at least 25% smaller that the other. It=20
seemed to have a smaller bill and shorter tail. I have been watching for the=
past several hours and it has not returned. From the liturature I have, I ca=
find how much size variation there is in the Ruby-throated. Does anyone have=
anymore info on this. If it returns I will keep people informed.</DIV>
<DIV>Paul Egeland - Bloomington</DIV></FONT></BODY></HTML>
