[mou] SABINE'S GULL - Hastings, Dakota Co.

Bill Litkey blitkey@usfamily.net
Mon, 26 Sep 2005 14:03:17 -0500

A juvenile Sabine's Gull was observed in the Lake Rebecca area in Hastings
from 12:10 to 1:00.  It was first spotted flying along the river's shoreline
when I arrived at the boat launch, but then it immediately headed over to
the L. Rebecca area to rest either in the road or in a parking lot.  When it
occasionally would be flushed by a passing car, it repeatedly settled back
down quickly again.  When I left around 1:00 it was resting with some
Mallards at the edge of L. Rebecca.  By it's behavior it would seem to be
exhausted, and hence, probably is not going to be in any hurry to leave the

Bill Litkey (Oakdale)

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