[mou] Immature Sabine's Gull and White-faced Ibis images

Terence Brashear birdnird@yahoo.com
Mon, 26 Sep 2005 18:42:41 -0700 (PDT)

I was able to get images of the Sabine's gull and
White-faced Ibis.  I say white-faced since blowing up
images I took clearly shows red iris.



The Sabine's Gull was spooked by a car driving out of
the parking lot and flew off and landed near the base
of the bridge on the south side of the river.

While Linda and I were looking at the Ibis a pickup
truck drove by at high speed and the Ibis flew away to
the west at high altitude.



Terry Brashear
Hennepin County, MN
birdnird AT yahoo.com

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