[mou] Dakota Co.

Steve Weston sweston2@comcast.net
Sun, 2 Apr 2006 23:37:23 -0500

I birded Dakota Co. in the rain for a short time this afternoon.   Stops at 
140th & 180th Street and the Jirik  Sod Farm in Empire produced 14 species 
of waterfowl.  With the amount of rain lately sod farms like Jirik were 
quite flooded providing excellant habitat.
Birds of note today:

Great Horned Owl with downy chick in Mendota Heights looking east from 
Jupiter Dr. which by 1295 Northland Drive.
Tundra Swans (approx 75 at Jirik which is on 200th Street east of Farmington
Pied-bill Grebe (180th)
Northern Shovelers (several at 140th)
Yellowlegs (180th reported by Connie B.)
Brewers Blackbirds (2 males on territory on Biscayne near 190th)

also we have at least two pairs of Hooded Mergansers interested in the nest 

Steve Weston on Quiggley Lake in Eagan, MN