[mou] Bass Ponds and Old Cedar Bridge - Virginia Rail and YH Blackbird

Derek Bakken spottedtowhee@gmail.com
Thu, 6 Apr 2006 20:49:48 -0500

Hello all,

Decided to risk getting rained on and headed to Bass Ponds for the 
first time this year.  There were birds everywhere including dozens of 
Song Sparrows and Fox Sparrows, 100+ Green-winged Teal and Blue-winged 
Teal, 8 Great Blue Herons, hundreds of Coots, 1 Belted Kingfisher 
flying overhead, 3 Killdeer, pair Pied-billed Grebes, pair Northern 
Shovelers, two pairs Wood Ducks, Tree Swallows, 1 Common Loon, 1 
Eastern Phoebe, and many others.

I kept on going and headed over to the Old Cedar Bridge and also saw 
quite a few birds.  Near the bridge I saw a single Great Egret.  From 
the observation deck at the end of the long boardwalk I saw the 
Yellow-headed Blackbird (straight out in the weeds), 8 Northern 
Shovelers, a few Bufflehead, Common and Hooded Mergansers, 1 
Pied-billed Grebe, and hundreds of Coots - no luck finding the 
Red-necked Grebe.  From there I went looking for the Carolina Wren but 
did not have any luck, but I did find 4 pairs of Wood Ducks along Bluff 
Trail. Heading back I met Leslie Marcus and together we found the 
Virginia Rail in the weeds about 20 yards away from the observation 
deck along the boardwalk and saw a soaring Turkey Vulture near the 
parking lot (thanks Leslie for helping with the Virginia Rail).

Overall, I saw 38 species in a few hours of walking.  The rain didn't 
start until I was on the way back home.

Derek Bakken
St. Paul, MN