[mou] possible WILD Whooping Crane, Todd County

Wildchough@aol.com Wildchough@aol.com
Sat, 8 Apr 2006 00:02:26 EDT

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Carrol Henderson forwarded a contact to me this afternoon and I just managed 
to get online and view the fellow's photograph.  Looks like a whooping crane 
and I don't see any color bands although the quality is not sharp.  He has a 
better photograph and I'm trying to get hold of it now.  For now, check out the 
website at BurtrumNews.com and information on the general location of the 
bird.  I am suspicious that if this is the same bird that was near Zimmerman a 
couple of days ago, then it's trying to get back on a bearing for Alberta, 
perhaps after being blown east from the storms last week, and is farther north than 
most Wisconsin birds have ever wandered in MN so we better watch this bird, it 
could easily be a wild whooper.  If anyone locates this bird on Saturday 
please post directions, do not disturb it (use your car as a blind) and see if you 
see any color bands.  Mosr Aransas birds are not banded and the few that 
still are have metal bands only.  Bob Russell 

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=3D"SANSSERIF" FACE=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">Carrol Henderson forwarded a contac=
t to me this afternoon and I just managed to get online and view the fellow'=
s photograph.&nbsp; Looks like a whooping crane and I don't see any color ba=
nds although the quality is not sharp.&nbsp; He has a better photograph and=20=
I'm trying to get hold of it now.&nbsp; For now, check out the website at Bu=
rtrumNews.com and information on the general location of the bird.&nbsp; I a=
m suspicious that if this is the same bird that was near Zimmerman a couple=20=
of days ago, then it's trying to get back on a bearing for Alberta, perhaps=20=
after being blown east from the storms last week, and is farther north than=20=
most Wisconsin birds have ever wandered in MN so we better watch this bird,=20=
it could easily be a wild whooper.&nbsp; If anyone locates this bird on Satu=
rday please post directions, do not disturb it (use your car as a blind) and=
 see if you see any color bands.&nbsp; Mosr Aransas birds are not banded and=
 the few that still are have metal bands only.&nbsp; Bob Russell </FONT></HT=
