[mou] Ramsey Co. Lakes Saturday

Clay Christensen clay.christensen@comcast.net
Sat, 08 Apr 2006 21:12:19 +0000

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Our St. Paul Audubon Society field trip to Ramsey Co. lakes today, 4/8, netted 42 species. We went to Como, Phalen, Keller, Kohlman, Gervais, Vadnais, Sucker, Josephine and Zimmerman Lakes (B2 E of Snelling).

Highlights included many loons, many red-breasted mergansers. We had ~250 pelicans soar over us at Keller Lake. Ring-necked ducks, hooded mergansers, common mergansers, wood ducks, cormorants, buffleheads, pied-billed grebes, coots, lesser scaup, great blue heron, egrets, phoebe, brown creeper, song sparrows, broad-winged hawk, sharp-shinned hawk, yellow-bellied sapsucker, northern flicker, tree swallows, turkey vulture (also seen yesterday, but neglected to report [sorry, VC]) and hermit thrush.

And a female mallard nesting at the break of a crashed tree limb, 15-20 feet off the ground. "Watch that first step, kids, it's a doozey!"

Gorgeous day, great company, great birding.

Clay Christensen for the 12 of us.
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<DIV>Our St. Paul Audubon Society field trip to Ramsey Co. lakes today, 4/8, netted 42 species. We went to Como, Phalen, Keller, Kohlman, Gervais, Vadnais, Sucker, Josephine and Zimmerman Lakes (B2 E of Snelling).</DIV>
<DIV>Highlights included many loons, many red-breasted mergansers. We had ~250 pelicans soar over us at Keller Lake. Ring-necked ducks, hooded mergansers, common mergansers, wood ducks, cormorants, buffleheads, pied-billed grebes, coots, lesser scaup, great blue heron, egrets, phoebe, brown creeper, song sparrows, broad-winged hawk, sharp-shinned hawk, yellow-bellied sapsucker, northern flicker, tree swallows, turkey vulture (also seen yesterday, but neglected to report [sorry, VC]) and&nbsp;hermit thrush.</DIV>
<DIV>And a female mallard nesting at the break of a crashed tree limb, 15-20 feet off the ground. "Watch that first step, kids, it's a doozey!"</DIV>
<DIV>Gorgeous day, great company, great birding.</DIV>
<DIV>Clay Christensen for the 12 of us.</DIV></body></html>
