[mou] Little Blue Heron - Dakota

James Mattsson mattjim@earthlink.net
Tue, 11 Apr 2006 12:42:17 -0500

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11:00 am
Lake Byllesby

An adult Little Blue Heron was present in the small pond along Gerlach Way at Lake Byllesby. From CR 88 go 0.6 miles south along Gerlach Way. The wetland is on the left (east) side of the road. The bird was at the far east end in the vegetation. I used my car as a blind to observe the bird. There are signs saying no parking along roadway, so use caution and good judgement. I suspect this bird will stick around this afternoon and should offer good views with the with afternoon sun. 

Also, I counted a minimum 700 Northern Shovelers at the west end of the lake roosting on the mudflats. That's a lot of shovelers for eastern MN. 

Good birding,

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<DIV>11:00 am</DIV>
<DIV>Lake Byllesby</DIV>
<DIV>An adult Little Blue Heron was present&nbsp;in the small pond along Gerlach Way at Lake Byllesby. From CR 88 go 0.6 miles south along Gerlach Way. The wetland is on the left (east) side of the road. The bird was at the far east end in the vegetation. I used my car as a blind to observe&nbsp;the bird. There are signs saying no parking along roadway, so use caution and good judgement. I suspect this bird will stick around this afternoon and should offer good views with the with afternoon sun. </DIV>
<DIV>Also, I counted a minimum 700 Northern Shovelers at the west end of the lake roosting on the mudflats. That's a lot of shovelers for eastern MN. </DIV>
<DIV>Good birding,</DIV>