[mou] Osprey

dkuder@citlink.net dkuder@citlink.net
Wed, 12 Apr 2006 12:16:57 +0000

I am happy to report that the resident Osprey has returned to its nest 
at Crane Lake in far northern St Louis County. The nest is easily 
observed from County Rd 24 right by the turn off to the Nelson Road. 
Also saw 4 Red Crossbills in their usual location on the side of the 
road right before going into the little village of Crane Lake. There 
were 2 males and 2 females. Many birds have returned to the area in the 
last day of extremely warm temperatures, flickers, phoebes, song 
sparrow. According to the official records kept at Scotts Seaplane 
Base, yesterday the high in Crane Lake was 79 degrees at 3 pm. (check 
it out at noaa.gov and type in zip code 55725) There was also a flock 
of Evening Grosbeaks twittering in the pines. Dee Kuder
Crane Lake, MN