[mou] Lauderdale and Roseville Central Park

Clay Christensen clay.christensen@comcast.net
Wed, 12 Apr 2006 23:45:40 +0000

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Lauderdale today: Heard chipping sparrows and eastern phoebe. Saw ruby-crowned kinglet, great egret at Walsh Lake.

Roseville's Central Park, Lake Bennett: Pied-billed grebe appeared to be standing upright in the water, flapping its wings, puffing out its chest. Chest was very white when expanded like that.

Saw our first mourning cloak butterfly of the season this morning.

Clay Christensen
Lauderdale, Ramsey Co.
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<DIV>Lauderdale today: Heard chipping sparrows and eastern phoebe. Saw ruby-crowned kinglet, great egret at Walsh Lake.</DIV>
<DIV>Roseville's Central Park, Lake Bennett: Pied-billed grebe appeared to be standing upright in the water, flapping its wings, puffing out its chest. Chest was very white when expanded like that.</DIV>
<DIV>Saw our first mourning cloak butterfly of the season this morning.</DIV>
<DIV>Clay Christensen</DIV>
<DIV>Lauderdale, Ramsey Co.</DIV></body></html>
