[mou] whooper's mate appears in WI

Robert_Russell@fws.gov Robert_Russell@fws.gov
Thu, 13 Apr 2006 10:53:57 -0500

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For those interested in the saga of the Todd County whooper, good news
regarding its missing mate:

12 April: At 1540 today the radiosignal of no. 3-03 was detected in fli=
over Rynearson Pools in Wiconsin's Necedah National Wildlife refuge. Sh=
continued northward and landed on northwestern Goose Pool, within the
territory of her and her mate (no. 16-02) at 1550. After about 20 minut=
she moved within the territory to nearby Killdeer Pool (photo), where s=
began foraging. She later roosted on northeastern Sprague Pool.

No. 16-02 had been reported alone near Molly Creek, south of Swanville,=

Todd County, central Minnesota, on 7 April. He and his mate, no. 3-03, =
the only one of last year's breeding pairs that had not yet arrived on
their territory in Central Wisconsin. They had last been reported at a
migration stop on Hatchie NWR, Haywood County, in western Tennessee on =
March. The presence of no. 16-02 in Central Minnesota and the absence o=
no. 3-03 were cause for concern. Perhaps they had become separated by a=

severe disturbance such as a storm during migration. Hopefully, no. 16-=
will soon return to his territory on Necedah NWR; if not, there are sev=
bachelor males in the area available to take his place.

14 young whoopers ( fledged in 2005) are just across the river from
Minnesota north of La Crosse so future wanderings of other cranes into =
seems likely.  Please report your crane observations to me and I'll for=
them to the project biologists.  Thanks in advance for any observations=
Bob Russell, USFWS, Ft. Snelling=

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<p><font size=3D"4" face=3D"Times New Roman">For those interested in th=
e saga of the Todd County whooper, good news regarding its missing mate=
<font size=3D"4" face=3D"Times New Roman">12 April: At 1540 today the r=
adiosignal of no. 3-03 was detected in flight over Rynearson Pools in W=
iconsin's Necedah National Wildlife refuge. She continued northward and=
 landed on northwestern Goose Pool, within the territory of her and her=
 mate (no. 16-02) at 1550. After about 20 minutes she moved within the =
territory to nearby Killdeer Pool (photo), where she began foraging. Sh=
e later roosted on northeastern Sprague Pool.</font><br>
<font size=3D"4" face=3D"Times New Roman">No. 16-02 had been reported a=
lone near Molly Creek, south of Swanville, Todd County, central Minneso=
ta, on 7 April. He and his mate, no. 3-03, were the only one of last ye=
ar's breeding pairs that had not yet arrived on their territory in Cent=
ral Wisconsin. They had last been reported at a migration stop on Hatch=
ie NWR, Haywood County, in western Tennessee on 19 March. The presence =
of no. 16-02 in Central Minnesota and the absence of no. 3-03 were caus=
e for concern. Perhaps they had become separated by a severe disturbanc=
e such as a storm during migration. Hopefully, no. 16-02 will soon retu=
rn to his territory on Necedah NWR; if not, there are several bachelor =
males in the area available to take his place.</font><br>
<font size=3D"4" face=3D"Times New Roman">14 young whoopers ( fledged i=
n 2005) are just across the river from Minnesota north of La Crosse so =
future wanderings of other cranes into MN seems likely.  Please report =
your crane observations to me and I'll forward them to the project biol=
ogists.  Thanks in advance for any observations.  Bob Russell, USFWS, F=
t. Snelling</font><br>
