[mou] Lake Byllesby today

Leodwm@aol.com Leodwm@aol.com
Thu, 13 Apr 2006 21:55:16 EDT

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Hello all.
We got to Lake Byllesby at around 8:30am, parking on the  north-west edge 
near the railroad tracks and saw some huge  flocks of Pelicans, many ducks 
(including a few ruddy.) It started to get  overcast and rained for about 5 minutes, 
so the conditions weren't great. After  they cleared up, we think we spotted 
a group of Pectoral Sandpipers in the mud  at the other side of the lake. 
There were a bunch of gulls far out, but we could  only recognize about 6 
Bonaparte's Gulls. Tree Swallows were everywhere. 
After we stayed there, we went to find the Little Blue Heron on Gerlach Way  
and saw him in the same marsh, standing right out in the open. We watched it 
try  to eat a frog nearly as big as it's head... It didn't succeed. On the lake 
 opposite the marsh was a small flock of Double-Crested Cormorants.
We tried the other side of Byllesby in the fields to look for geese, but  
didn't see anything in them. A few Horned Larks flew by.
We stopped by the 180th St. Marsh and didn't see any shorebirds. There were  
bluebirds here and there, and a few Hooded Mergansers with Pelicans, but not  
much else.
A great day to go out birding, even the little shower was sweet.
- Leo WM

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<DIV>Hello all.</DIV>
<DIV>We got to Lake Byllesby at around 8:30am, parking on the=20
north-west&nbsp;edge&nbsp;near the&nbsp;railroad tracks&nbsp;and saw some hu=
flocks of Pelicans, many ducks (including a few ruddy.) It started to get=20
overcast and rained for about 5 minutes, so the conditions weren't great. Af=
they cleared up, we think we spotted a group of Pectoral Sandpipers in the m=
at the other side of the lake. There were a bunch of gulls far out, but we c=
only recognize about 6 Bonaparte's Gulls. Tree Swallows were everywhere. </D=
<DIV>After we stayed there, we went to find the Little Blue Heron on Gerlach=
and saw him in the same marsh, standing right out in the open. We watched it=
to eat a frog nearly as big as it's head... It didn't succeed. On the lake=20
opposite the marsh was a small flock of Double-Crested Cormorants.</DIV>
<DIV>We tried the other side of Byllesby in the fields to look for geese, bu=
didn't see anything in them. A few Horned Larks flew by.</DIV>
<DIV>We stopped by the 180th St. Marsh and didn't see any shorebirds. There=20=
bluebirds here and there, and a few Hooded Mergansers with Pelicans, but not=
much else.</DIV>
<DIV>A great day to go out birding, even the little shower was sweet.</DIV>
