[mou] 10 species of shorebirds

Karl Bardon karl_bardon@yahoo.com
Thu, 13 Apr 2006 21:59:45 -0700 (PDT)

While birding in western Minnesota the last two days
(12-13 April), in Wilkin, Traverse and Big Stone
counties, I encountered 10 species of shorebirds.
Highlights were:
five Hudsonian Godwits along Hwy 7 near Correll
two Marbled Godwits at Breckenridge
four American Avocets at the traditional location
along Hwy 28 near Big Stone County Road 61 and five
more at Hwy 75 and Big Stone County Road 12
the most common shorebird species (aside from
Killdeer) was Baird's with 28 individuals seen
An early LeConte's Sparrow was at Miller Prairie,
Traverse County
As many as 750 Bonaparte's Gulls were roosted on Big
Stone Lake on the evening of 12 April

Karl Bardon

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