[mou] Barrow's Goldeneye - St. Louis Co.

Bill Tefft b.tefft@vcc.edu
Fri, 14 Apr 2006 16:24:03 -0500

This morning Norma Malinowski reported a Barrow's Goldeneye in Embarrass in=
 the former commercial rice paddies along the Embarrass.  The male golden=
eye was with an unidentified female goldeneye and was seen clearly before=
 both birds flew out of sight.  I have not heard if they have been seen a=
gain today.

The birds were seen in the large impoundment just east of the Embarrass Riv=
er and south of Waisanen Road (CR 362).  This is in the NE corner of Sec.=
 35, T60N, R15W.

Bill Tefft
Ely, MN