[mou] sharp-shinned hawk in Cook Co.

Jim & Carol Tveekrem jotcat@boreal.org
Sat, 15 Apr 2006 12:24:29 -0500

We saw our first sharpie yesterday afternoon.  The dozens of juncos and pine
siskins at our feeders scattered, the hawk perched briefly in an aspen,
showing a light chest/belly, and we barely got a good enough look at it as
it flew through a row of spruces to figure out what it was - small, gray on
back and wings, accipiter shape, no white on wings or tail, no rusty tail,
(not a kestrel or shrike), too light colored and wrong shape for merlin, too
small for any other hawk.  We have had dozens of juncos every day lately,
the mix changing from obvious males to more pale or brownish second years
and/or females.  Song sparrows showed up 4/8, most I have seen is 5 at once,
Brown creepers by ones and twos this week, also a few Tree Sparrows, but so
far no White-throated sparrows.  Last night brought in a Phoebe.  Right now
wind is blasting from the northeast, supposed to continue east for next few
days.  Need to go birding inland!

Carol Tveekrem, Schroeder