[mou] Embarrass Rice Paddies

Karen Sussman ksussman@lcp2.net
Sun, 16 Apr 2006 13:56:55 -0500

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I spent more than three hours walking the rice paddies this morning.  
In addition to Deb Buria-Falkowski and her husband and brother-in-law, 
my neighbour and I found over 16 species.
Had to work very hard but persistence paid off.
There seems to have been some mowing of the dikes late fall.  They are 
definitely walkable but watch out for the surprise holes here and there.

The one big surprise was a (presumably Eastern) Meadowlark at the 
bridge entrance.  Never saw a meadowlark in the paddies before.
No Barrows Goldeneye at the Waisenan Rd entrance but did find a 
Trumpeter Swan there.  Later saw a pair of swans deeper into the ponds.

Other species:
Blue & Green Wing Teal
Ring Neck Duck
Pied Billed Grebe
GB Heron
Least Flycatcher
B. Eagle
Turkey Vultures
Tree Swallow
Mallards etc.

Wood Tick (earliest occurrence on my jeans ever recorded)

Rice Paddies are in St Louis County off Hwy 21 in Embarrass.
Karen Sussman  ksussman@lcp2.net
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<fontfamily><param>Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro</param>I spent more than
three hours walking the rice paddies this morning.  In addition to Deb
Buria-Falkowski and her husband and brother-in-law, my neighbour and I
found over 16 species.

Had to work very hard but persistence paid off.

There seems to have been some mowing of the dikes late fall.  They are
definitely walkable but watch out for the surprise holes here and

The one big surprise was a (presumably Eastern) Meadowlark at the
bridge entrance.  Never saw a meadowlark in the paddies before.

No Barrows Goldeneye at the Waisenan Rd entrance but did find a
Trumpeter Swan there.  Later saw a pair of swans deeper into the ponds.

Other species:

Blue & Green Wing Teal

Ring Neck Duck

Pied Billed Grebe

GB Heron

Least Flycatcher

B. Eagle

Turkey Vultures



Tree Swallow

Mallards etc.

Wood Tick (earliest occurrence on my jeans ever recorded)

Rice Paddies are in St Louis County off Hwy 21 in Embarrass.</fontfamily>

<fontfamily><param>Times New Roman</param>Karen Sussman 