[mou] Great-tailed Grackle - Wright County

steve pulles tpulles17@msn.com
Sat, 15 Apr 2006 18:41:45 -0500

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Today I searched around Pelican Lake in Wright County with my family. =
 At 4:30 PM I discovered an adult male GREAT-TAILED GRACKLE sitting at=
op a dead snag in a marsh.  The long tail was distinctive, and the voc=
alizations eliminated the possibility of boat-tailed grackle.=0D=0A=0D=
=0ADIRECTIONS - on County Road 35, approximately 2-4 miles west of St.=
 Michael, turn north on Hamline Ave. (a dirt road).  Go north Hamline =
Ave. 1.5 miles.  There is a marsh on the west side of the road here, a=
nd this is where I saw the grackle.  He was displaying atop a dead sna=
g before he flew onto the mowed grass just north of the marsh, but sti=
ll on the west side of the road.  This is where he was when we left.=
=0D=0A=0D=0AAlso around Pelican Lake today my family and I found yello=
w-headed blackbird, greater yellowlegs, and redhead, among other water=

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=0A<DIV>Today I searched around Pelican Lake in Wright County&nbsp;wit=
h my =0D=0Afamily.&nbsp; At 4:30 PM&nbsp;I discovered an adult male&nb=
sp;GREAT-TAILED =0D=0AGRACKLE&nbsp;sitting atop a dead snag in a marsh=
&nbsp; The long tail was =0D=0Adistinctive, and the vocalizations eli=
minated the possibility of boat-tailed =0D=0Agrackle.</DIV>=0D=0A<DIV>=
&nbsp;</DIV>=0D=0A<DIV>DIRECTIONS - on County Road 35, approximately&n=
bsp;2-4 miles west of St. =0D=0AMichael,&nbsp;turn north on Hamline Av=
e. (a dirt road).&nbsp; Go north Hamline =0D=0AAve.&nbsp;1.5 miles.&nb=
sp; There is a marsh on the west side of the road here, =0D=0Aand this=
 is where I saw the grackle.&nbsp; He was displaying atop a dead snag =
=0D=0Abefore he flew onto the mowed grass just north of the marsh, but=
 still on the =0D=0Awest side of the road.&nbsp; This is where he was =
when we left.</DIV>=0D=0A<DIV>&nbsp;</DIV>=0D=0A<DIV>Also around Pelic=
an Lake today my family and I found yellow-headed =0D=0Ablackbird, gre=
ater yellowlegs, and redhead, among other =0D=0Awaterfowl.</DIV></BODY=
