[mou] Snowy Egrets in Kandiyohi Cty.

Hagsela@aol.com Hagsela@aol.com
Sun, 16 Apr 2006 05:46:20 EDT

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Two of the Snowy Egrets reported by Randy were still present Saturday, April 
15 from 2:30 to at least 3:00.   The exact location is west of Willmar on Hwy 
12 to Pennock.   Go north on Cty. 1 to Cty. 27 and turn left (or west).   
You'll come to the spot after 1.4 miles, with Swan Lake to the right and the 
spillway going off to the right.   The 2 Snowy Egrets were easily visible from the 
road.   A Great Egret was with them, providing excellent studies of the size 
contrast, head markings, bills - and those bright yellow feet.   They were 
still feeding when I left at 3:00.

Also of note on Swan Lake:
Western Grebe (1)
Red-necked Grebes
Lots of Ruddy Ducks
A decent variety of dabbling and diving ducks

Linda Sparling
Hennepin County

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<HTML><FONT FACE=3Darial,helvetica><HTML><FONT COLOR=3D"#000000" FACE=3D"Gen=
eva" FAMILY=3D"SANSSERIF" SIZE=3D"2">Two of the Snowy Egrets reported by Ran=
dy were still present Saturday, April 15 from 2:30 to at least 3:00.&nbsp; =20=
The exact location is west of Willmar on Hwy 12 to Pennock.&nbsp;  Go north=20=
on Cty. 1 to Cty. 27 and turn left (or west).&nbsp;  You'll come to the spot=
 after 1.4 miles, with Swan Lake to the right and the spillway going off to=20=
the right.&nbsp;  The 2 Snowy Egrets were easily visible from the road.&nbsp=
;  A Great Egret was with them, providing excellent studies of the size cont=
rast, head markings, bills - and those bright yellow feet.&nbsp;  They were=20=
still feeding when I left at 3:00.<BR>
Also of note on Swan Lake:<BR>
Western Grebe (1)<BR>
Red-necked Grebes<BR>
Lots of Ruddy Ducks<BR>
A decent variety of dabbling and diving ducks<BR>
Linda Sparling<BR>
Hennepin County</FONT><FONT COLOR=3D"#000000" FACE=3D"Geneva" FAMILY=3D"SANS=
