[mou] Shorebirds & other birding

Steve Weston sweston2@comcast.net
Sun, 16 Apr 2006 23:04:51 -0500

Shorebird Report for Dakota Co, Sunday afternoon

Lake Byllesby
Sand bars coming back as water levels drop, but high wind probably chased 
birds reproted by earlier observers into less exposed locations.
One Killdeer
Waterfowl:  only expected dabblers
Other birds:
Black-crowned Nightheron - flushed from bank
Sandhill Crane
Forsters Terns (60+ flock flew in just before I left)
Bonaparts Gull (2-3) winter plumage

140th Marsh ( half mile east of Hwy 52)
Pumping that resulted in high water has been turned off and water levels are 
dropping, resulting in improving habitat for shorebirds.
W. Snipe (5)  observed flying at dusk.  Good time & place to see Snipe at 
this time of year.
Other birds:
Virginia Rail (heard)
Swamp Sparrow

Etters Bottoms  (CR68 into Goodhue Co.)
Directions: Go to Hastins and follow signs to Treasure Is.  When you cross 
into Goodhue Co. you are at Etters Bottoms.
High water from Vermillion & Mississippi have resulted in flooding and 
excellant habitat.  Broad shoulders on road allow easy viewing.
G Yellowlegs   15
L Yellowlegs   40
Pectoral Sandpiper  6
Waterfowl:  10 species including Am. Wigeon, & N. Pintail (6)

Other birds:
Eastern Meadowlark  - several locations.  I still have found no W. 
Brewers Blackbird

Steve Weston on Quiggley Lake in Eagan, MN