[mou] Todd County whooper clears MN airspace

Robert_Russell@fws.gov Robert_Russell@fws.gov
Thu, 20 Apr 2006 08:54:48 -0500

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Here's an update on the whooping crane that many saw in Todd County ear=
in the month.  Maybe the birds will join up today.  No known whoopers f=
the eastern flock anywhere near MN as of this morning.

8 April: At 1545 today the radio signal of whooping crane no. 16-02 was=

detected to the west from Rynearson Pools. He landed within his territo=
at Necedah NWR, Wisconsin at ~1614. At that time his mate, no. 3-03, wa=
s on
the ground 2.5 miles to the east. At 1624 no. 16-02 took flight, callin=
incessantly. His left leg (leg with transmitter) was dangling and obvio=
injured. He proceeded southward and landed again and roosted within a
couple of miles of his old mate.  How's that for pathfinding!!  Florida=
Tennessee to Todd County, Minnesota and back to his traditional pool on=

No. 16-02 had last been reported near Molly Creek, south of Swanville, =
County, central Minnesota, on 12 April. His mate, no. 3-03, had arrived=

alone on their territory on Necedah NWR on the same date. This breeding=

pair had formed during spring 2005.

Information from Richard Urbanek, crane biologist forwarded by Bob Russ=

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<p><font size=3D"4" face=3D"Times New Roman">Here's an update on the wh=
ooping crane that many saw in Todd County earlier in the month.  Maybe =
the birds will join up today.  No known whoopers from the eastern flock=
 anywhere near MN as of this morning. </font><br>
<font size=3D"4" face=3D"Times New Roman">8 April: At 1545 today the ra=
dio signal of whooping crane no. 16-02 was detected to the west from Ry=
nearson Pools. He landed within his territory at Necedah NWR, Wisconsin=
 at ~1614. At that time his mate, no. 3-03, was on the ground 2.5 miles=
 to the east. At 1624 no. 16-02 took flight, calling incessantly. His l=
eft leg (leg with transmitter) was dangling and obviously injured. He p=
roceeded southward and landed again and roosted within a couple of mile=
s of his old mate.  How's that for pathfinding!!  Florida to Tennessee =
to Todd County, Minnesota and back to his traditional pool on the refug=
<font size=3D"4" face=3D"Times New Roman">No. 16-02 had last been repor=
ted near Molly Creek, south of Swanville, Todd County, central Minnesot=
a, on 12 April. His mate, no. 3-03, had arrived alone on their territor=
y on Necedah NWR on the same date. This breeding pair had formed during=
 spring 2005. </font><br>
<font size=3D"4" face=3D"Times New Roman">Information from Richard Urba=
nek, crane biologist forwarded by Bob Russell, USFWS</font><br>
