[mou] Big Stone/Lac Qui Parle Ct.

Leodwm@aol.com Leodwm@aol.com
Fri, 21 Apr 2006 10:44:41 EDT

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Hello all!
We spent the last two days (Wednesday and Thursday) birding Lac Qui Parle  
and Big Stone county... It was raining and freezing winds were ripping across  
the fields. We made our first stop by Salt Lake on the South Dakota border and  
saw no shorebirds what-so-ever, only ducks. (Though there were alot of those) 
 Canvasback, Redhead and Pintail were all present.
After two shorebirds showed up, but flew away immediately, we circled the  
lake to the Minnesota overlook side and spotted our first Eared Grebe in  
non-breeding plumage mixed in with some Buffleheads on the freezing lake.
We then started going south from Salt Lake (We got rather lost...) and  
stumbled across a road labeled "Road Closed, Bridge Out." We parked and walked  
down the closed road. There were streams on both sides and Myrtles were flying  
around everywhere. Then, just before the gap where the river went past, we  
spotted a White-Throated Sparrow in the underbrush.
Pheasants were everywhere as we drove, scared and flying away. We  eventually 
got to Hwy. 75, not having seen a single shorebird since Salt Lake.  We 
decided to drive up to Big Stone County on 75, then swap to Hwy. 21 to lead  us 
north into the lakes above Odessa. On the way to Otrey Lake we spotted  our first 
shorebirds. Some Yellowlegs were in a swamp to our left as we  headed north 
on 21, just before a intersection. Three Snipe flew  over us as we watched, a 
ducks were everywhere. 
At Otrey lake we spotted:
Least Sandpipers, maybe 10
Franklin's Gulls, quite a few, we didn't count though
Yellowlegs wandering around in the muck
Then, a Marbled Godwit flew over us, screeching and flying away.
We drove up to Thielke Lake after that and spotted 3 Western Grebes doing  
the little neck-dance.
The next day was raining super hard, but we didn't stop. We drove up from  
Ortonville on 75 and went west at Clinton's 6 Hwy. We then drove north again and 
 started driving through the swamps there. Shorebirds were here and there, 
but in  no numbers, and it was hard to see them. After awhile we headed west on 
Hwy. 54  and had some good luck finally, spotting our first American Avocets. 
A pair of  them were in the lake at the 7 intersection of 54. Later, we drove 
down 7 and  spotted a swamp with a large group of Baird's Sandpipers in it. As 
we were on 6,  driving back to Clinton, we ran into a group of about 30 
Lapland Longspurs in  the pounding rain. We then headed east of Clinton and looked 
around there, but  didn't see anything. We then headed back to Otrey Lake and 
spotted a Great  Horned Owl nest in a tree nearby with a adult and baby in it. 
With, that we  drove back down 21 and spotted a few Yellowlegs and headed for 
It may have been freezing rain and wind, but we saw some great birds, so  
were happy.
Good birdin'
- Leo WM

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<DIV>Hello all!</DIV>
<DIV>We spent the last two days (Wednesday and Thursday) birding Lac Qui Par=
and Big Stone county... It was raining and freezing winds were ripping acros=
the fields. We made our first stop by Salt Lake on the South Dakota border a=
saw no shorebirds what-so-ever, only ducks. (Though there were alot of those=
Canvasback, Redhead and Pintail were all present.</DIV>
<DIV>After two shorebirds showed up, but flew away immediately, we circled t=
lake to the Minnesota overlook side and spotted our first Eared Grebe in=20
non-breeding plumage mixed in with some Buffleheads on the freezing lake.</D=
<DIV>We then started going south from Salt Lake (We got rather lost...) and=20
stumbled across a road labeled "Road Closed, Bridge Out." We parked and walk=
down the closed road. There were streams on both sides and Myrtles were flyi=
around everywhere. Then, just before the gap where the river went past, we=20
spotted a White-Throated Sparrow in the underbrush.</DIV>
<DIV>Pheasants were everywhere as we drove, scared and flying away. We=20
eventually got to Hwy. 75, not having seen a single shorebird since Salt Lak=
We decided to drive up to Big Stone County on 75, then swap to Hwy. 21 to le=
us north into the lakes above Odessa.&nbsp;On the way to Otrey Lake we spott=
our first shorebirds. Some&nbsp;Yellowlegs were in a swamp to our left as we=
headed north on 21, just before a&nbsp;intersection.&nbsp;Three&nbsp;Snipe f=
over us&nbsp;as we watched, a ducks were everywhere.&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV>At Otrey lake we spotted:</DIV>
<DIV>Least Sandpipers, maybe 10</DIV>
<DIV>Franklin's Gulls, quite a few, we didn't count though</DIV>
<DIV>Yellowlegs wandering around in the muck</DIV>
<DIV>Then, a Marbled Godwit flew over us, screeching and flying away.</DIV>
<DIV>We drove up to Thielke Lake after that and spotted 3 Western Grebes doi=
the little neck-dance.</DIV>
<DIV>The next day was raining super hard, but we didn't stop. We drove up fr=
Ortonville on 75 and went west at Clinton's 6 Hwy. We then drove north again=
started driving through the swamps there. Shorebirds were here and there, bu=
t in=20
no numbers, and it was hard to see them. After awhile we headed west on Hwy.=
and had some good luck finally, spotting our first American Avocets. A pair=20=
them were in the lake at the 7 intersection of 54. Later, we drove down 7 an=
spotted a swamp with a large group of Baird's Sandpipers in it. As we were o=
n 6,=20
driving back to Clinton, we ran into a group of about 30 Lapland Longspurs i=
the pounding rain. We then headed east of Clinton and looked around there, b=
didn't see anything. We then headed back to Otrey Lake and spotted a Great=20
Horned Owl nest in a tree nearby with a adult and baby in it. With, that we=20
drove back down 21 and spotted a few Yellowlegs and headed for home.</DIV>
<DIV>It may have been freezing rain and wind, but we saw some great birds, s=
were happy.</DIV>
<DIV>Good birdin'</DIV>
