[mou] Short-eared Owls at Rothsay WMA

Cheryl Steinmueller csteinmuel@prodigy.net
Mon, 24 Apr 2006 08:41:06 -0700 (PDT)

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I was birding at Rothsay WMA on Saturday morning and found my Target Species, the Short-eared Owl, at 9 AM.  I used a March 19th MOU posting from J. Ellis to locate two owls hunting the fields just southwest of the intersection of Wilken 165 (270th Ave.) and Wilken 30 (150th St.). A female Northern Harrier was attacking one of the owls in midair when I first spotted it.  Very exciting.  The Short-ears  are a new Lifer for me.  Is it late enough in the season that this might be a nesting pair?  What a gorgeous weekend for birding!  Also added the Chesnut-collared Longspurs (in their beautiful breeding plumage) to my Life List with a stop at Felton Prairie at their traditional breeding grounds.  Had 63 species for the weekend.
  Cheri Steinmueller
  Little Canada 

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<div>I was birding at Rothsay WMA on Saturday morning and found my Target Species, the Short-eared Owl, at 9 AM.&nbsp; I used a March 19th MOU posting from J. Ellis to locate two owls hunting the fields just southwest of the intersection of Wilken 165 (270th Ave.) and Wilken 30 (150th St.).&nbsp;A female Northern Harrier was attacking one of the owls&nbsp;in midair when I first spotted it.&nbsp; Very exciting.&nbsp; The Short-ears &nbsp;are a new Lifer for me.&nbsp; Is it late enough in the season that this might be a nesting pair?&nbsp; What a gorgeous&nbsp;weekend for birding!&nbsp; Also added the Chesnut-collared Longspurs&nbsp;(in their beautiful breeding plumage) to my Life List with a stop at Felton Prairie at their traditional breeding grounds.&nbsp; Had 63 species for the weekend.</div>  <div>&nbsp;</div>  <div>Cheri Steinmueller</div>  <div>Little Canada&nbsp;</div>