[mou] Marbled Godwits - Dakota Co.

James Mattsson mattjim@earthlink.net
Wed, 26 Apr 2006 13:09:38 -0500

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Two Marbled Godwits were present this morning at far west end of Lake Byllesby. Based on obvious differences in bill lengths, a male and female. 

Also present was a prealternate Black-bellied Plover, 6 Forster's Terns and 10 Bonaparate's Gulls. No other new shorebirds. The lake level is barely dropping, thus the lack of shorebirds. 

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<DIV>Two Marbled Godwits were present this morning at far west end of Lake Byllesby. Based on obvious differences in bill lengths, a male and female. </DIV>
<DIV>Also present was a prealternate Black-bellied Plover, 6 Forster's Terns and 10 Bonaparate's Gulls. No other new shorebirds. The lake level is barely dropping, thus the lack of shorebirds. </DIV>