[mou] RFI: Glacial Ridge/Crookston Area

Julian Sellers JulianSellers@msn.com
Thu, 27 Apr 2006 20:01:01 -0500

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I'm taking a small group from St. Paul Audubon to the Crookston area =
this weekend.  We've reserved the Prairie Chicken blinds in the Glacial =
Ridge area for Sunday morning, and will have time Saturday evening and =
most of Sunday for birding in the area (returning Monday).  I know =
generally what to expect, having stopped there last June on our Pine To =
Prairie tour.  But if anyone could tell me specific places to look for =
Short-eared Owl, Sharp-tailed Grouse, or other exciting birds, I would =
appreciate it greatly.

Thank you.

Julian Sellers
St. Paul
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<DIV>I'm taking a small group from St. Paul Audubon to the Crookston =
area this=20
weekend.&nbsp; We've reserved the Prairie Chicken blinds in the Glacial =
area&nbsp;for Sunday morning, and will have time Saturday evening and =
most of=20
Sunday for birding in the area (returning Monday).&nbsp; I know =
generally what=20
to expect, having stopped there last June on our Pine To Prairie =
tour.&nbsp; But=20
if anyone could tell me&nbsp;specific places to look&nbsp;for =
Short-eared Owl,=20
Sharp-tailed Grouse, or other exciting birds, I would appreciate it=20
<DIV>Thank you.</DIV>
<DIV>Julian Sellers</DIV>
<DIV>St. Paul</DIV></BODY></HTML>
