[mou] Friday morning at the Pet Trails, Murphy-Hanrehan, Scott County

Williams, Bob BXWilliams@CBBURNET.COM
Fri, 28 Apr 2006 12:19:24 -0500

I thought the light rain this morning might bring in some good birds and
it did.  Here are the highlights:
	Swallows:	well over 100 birds including at least 1 Cliff,
1 Northern 			Rough-winged and several Barn
	Waxwings:   large flock of about 70 perched Cedar Waxwings
	Warblers:   Northern Waterthrush - hard to miss the chip note
and 			views confirmed the ID
			Many Yellow-rumps and 2 Orange-crowned
	Sparrows:	2 Henslow's calling in the open fields north of
the 				wetlands that attract the waterfowl.  1
bird gave me as 			good a look as I've ever had.
The "bowl" below the picnic 			table was just burned so
there won't be any there for a 			while.
			1 Grasshopper Sparrow and many, many
White-throated, 				finally
	Grosbeak:	1 female Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Bob Williams, Bloomington