[mou] GHO Owls Family, Bald Eagle Family, and other MISC Bird Images

Ron Green eyeofnature@charter.net
Sat, 29 Apr 2006 17:58:52 -0500

I have added new images to the owl family journal for those interested. 
They are in a subalbum of "The Great Horned Owl Family Album" and it's 
called "4/18-4/29 Image Journal". On 4/26 one branched and then either 
last night a second one did also. Then by mid morning, one was back in. 
It might have been the first. I cannot say with any absolute certainty. 
Also, I have added photos of a Bald Eagle Family in Red Wing (Cannon 
Valley Trail). I hope that I have this correct, but the location was 
compliments of Phil Dech(?). If you go to see them, please be mindful of 
staying only a short while or using a blind. The parents seem to become 
very easily agitated because the nest is so close to the trail. This 
suggestion came from Stan Tekiela who also visited the spot and noted 
the same behavior. The images can be reached by clicking on the URL 
listed below. I hope you enjoy the photos? Thanks for visiting my site 
and all the great feedback and compliments many of you have made after 
visiting it.


Ron Green