[mou] Red-throated Loon - Dakota Co.

James Mattsson mattjim@earthlink.net
Sun, 30 Apr 2006 17:00:47 -0500

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Lake Byllesby 

A basic adult Red-throated Loon was in the bay just east of the cemetery. It took off and headed soutwest over the mudflats and did not return during the next 45 minutes or so that I remained in the area. This is a rare regular species in Minnesota and, if accepted by MOURC, will be only the second record for Dakota Co. The previous bird was seen on April 29, 2004.

As expected due to the rain, there were no shorebirds present except Killdeer - the lake level took a bit of a bounce. 

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<DIV>Lake Byllesby </DIV>
<DIV>A basic adult Red-throated Loon was in the bay just&nbsp;east&nbsp;of the cemetery. It took off and headed soutwest over the mudflats and did not return&nbsp;during the next 45 minutes or so that I remained in the area. This is a rare regular species in Minnesota and, if accepted by MOURC, will be only the second record for Dakota Co. The previous bird was seen on April 29, 2004.</DIV>
<DIV>As expected due to the rain, there were no shorebirds present except&nbsp;Killdeer&nbsp;- the lake level took a bit of a bounce. </DIV>