[mou] Have you......?

Jim Barrett jwbarrett10@msn.com
Wed, 02 Aug 2006 19:07:32 -0500

From: Marchand <loumlou@charter.net>
To: mou-net@cbs.umn.edu
Subject: [mou] redheaded woodpecker
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2006 12:12:32 -0500

This morning I visited Diamond Point Park in Bemidji to check on some 
archeological surveys. As an added bonus, I saw redheaded woodpeckers. On 
some posts near the water by the boat launch was an adult feeding a young 
bird and in the trees behind me, moving around about 6 feet above the 
ground, was another adult. I'm fairly sure I saw a third adult. I have not 
seen redheaded woodpeckers in the city of Bemidji in at least 20 years so 
this was an exciting find.

Mary Lou Marchand

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