[mou] Re: Warbler movement in Hennepin Cty.

Don Darnell darnell48@earthlink.net
Fri, 18 Aug 2006 18:32:11 -0500

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The T.S. Roberts Bird Sanctuary is at the northeast corner of Harriet Lake in Minneapolis -- a block south of 66th on Lyndale Avenue. The warbler action we encountered at noon today was on the first leg of the sanctuary trail.  Sorry for not including this in first post. 

Don Darnell
Hennepin County
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<DIV>The T.S. Roberts Bird Sanctuary is&nbsp;at the northeast&nbsp;corner of Harriet Lake in Minneapolis -- a block south of 66th on Lyndale Avenue. The warbler action we encountered at noon today was on the first leg of the sanctuary trail. &nbsp;Sorry for not including this in first post. </DIV>
<DIV>Don Darnell</DIV>
<DIV>Hennepin County</DIV>
<DIV><A href="mailto:darnell48@earthlink.net">darnell48@earthlink.net</A></DIV>