[mou] Re: Warbler Movement in Hennepin-Oops!

Don Darnell darnell48@earthlink.net
Fri, 18 Aug 2006 18:51:17 -0500

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The Wood Lake Nature Center is south of 66th on Lyndale -- I also stopped there today -- NOT the T.S. Roberts Sanctuary!  To get to T.S. ROBERTS take 46th Street west off of Lyndale Ave to Kings Highway (DuPont  Ave) and go north a few blocks to Roseway  and make a left.

Sorry, I'm new to the area.

Don Darnell
Eden Prairie/Hennepin Cty
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<DIV>The Wood Lake Nature Center&nbsp;is south of 66th on Lyndale -- I also stopped there today -- NOT&nbsp;the&nbsp;T.S. Roberts Sanctuary!&nbsp; To get to T.S.&nbsp;ROBERTS take 46th Street west off of Lyndale Ave to Kings Highway (DuPont&nbsp; Ave) and go north a few blocks to Roseway&nbsp; and make a left.</DIV>
<DIV>Sorry, I'm new to the area.</DIV>
<DIV>Don Darnell</DIV>
<DIV>Eden Prairie/Hennepin Cty</DIV>