[mou] Black-throated Blue Warbler--Henn. Cty.

James Pomplun jpomplun@cpinternet.com
Tue, 22 Aug 2006 11:54:17 -0500

Sorry if this gets repeated. The message didn't get to my inbox:

I saw a male Black-throated Blue Warbler at 10:05 this morning near the end
of the bluff trail at Old Cedar Bridge. Past all the wooden walkways the
path runs into a small creek in an area just across the lake from the Black
Dog power plant. One can turn left there and walk a couple hundred feet to
an easy crossing of the creek. The bird was by a path just left of this
crossing place. There were good warbler numbers and variety here today, but
it  hasn't been as good for warblers as other metro areas that I've been
hearing about. I think this is the earliest fall Blue migrant I've seen. So
far this fall migration may make up for the lousy spring one around here.