[mou] Eurasian Collared- Dove, Redwood County

Brian Smith brsmith@sleepyeyetel.net
Mon, 28 Aug 2006 19:49:08 -0500

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While going to Redwood Falls this afternoon, I found a pair of Eurasian =
Collared-Doves along Hwy. 68, roughly halfway between Morgan and Redwood =
Falls.  The exact location is 2/10ths of a mile west of the intersection =
of Redwood Cty. 13 and Hwy. 68.  This is at the location of Gilfillan =
Farm (the Gilfillan Farm is on the north side of Hwy. 68). The doves =
were resting on a utility wire on the south side of the highway.=20

I first spotted one of the doves when it flew in front of my car and =
joined the other on the utility wire.  I was able to pull over and get =
good looks at them. If the MOU on-line county checklist for Redwood =
county is still current, then this would be the first county record.

Good birding!

Brian Smith
Sleepy Eye  
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<DIV>While going to Redwood Falls this afternoon, I found a pair of =
Collared-Doves along Hwy. 68, roughly halfway between Morgan and Redwood =

Falls.&nbsp; The exact location is 2/10ths of a mile west of the =
intersection of=20
Redwood Cty. 13 and Hwy. 68.&nbsp; This is at the location of Gilfillan =
(the Gilfillan Farm is on the north side of Hwy. 68). The =
resting on a&nbsp;utility wire on the south side of the =
<DIV>I first spotted&nbsp;one of the doves when it flew in front of my =
car and=20
joined the other on the utility wire.&nbsp; I was able to pull over and =
get good=20
looks at them. If the MOU on-line county checklist for Redwood county is =
current, then this would be&nbsp;the first county record.</DIV>
<DIV>Brian Smith</DIV>
<DIV>Sleepy Eye&nbsp;&nbsp;</DIV></BODY></HTML>
