[mou] Possible Black-headed Grosbeak in Chippewa County

Williams, Bob BXWilliams@CBBURNET.COM
Tue, 29 Aug 2006 19:56:18 -0500

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 Yesterday afternoon I birded in the rain in Chippewa and Yellow Medicine C=
ounties and along Co. Rd. 40 just SE of Granite Falls I found a cluster of =
birds that included 3 grosbeaks on the SW side of the road on private prope=
rty.  One of them looked just like the picture in Sibley's of a male Black-=
headed Grosbeak in fall plumage.  The body of the bird was a rich rufous co=
lor and the head had the contrasting black and white markings shown in the =
picture.  I did not see any streaking on the front of the bird.  I was able=
 to get good and long looks at the bird, but from quite a distance and on a=
 dark and dreary day.  This morning I saw many more grosbeaks at a differen=
t location in Redwood County and none of them looked like this bird.  The C=
hippewa County location was along Co. Rd. 40 south of US 212/Hwy 23 and jus=
t north of Gneiss Outcrops SNA.  There is a low-lying farm area with a smal=
l wetland and a fence line with a tangle of trees across the road from a fa=
rm field with a private residence at the north end.  I'm sorry for the late=
 post and the poor directions.
Bob Williams, Bloomington =20

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<HTML dir=3Dltr><HEAD></HEAD>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#000000 size=3D2>&nbsp;Yesterday afternoon =
I birded in the rain in Chippewa and Yellow Medicine Counties and along Co.=
 Rd. 40 just SE of Granite Falls I found a cluster of birds that included 3=
 grosbeaks on the SW side of the road on private property.&nbsp; One of the=
m looked just like the picture in Sibley's of a male Black-headed Grosbeak =
in fall plumage.&nbsp; The body of the bird was a rich rufous color and the=
 head had the contrasting black and white markings shown in the picture.&nb=
sp; I did not see any streaking on the front of the bird.&nbsp; I was able =
to get good and long looks at the bird, but from quite a distance and on a =
dark and dreary day.&nbsp; This morning I saw many more grosbeaks at a diff=
erent location in Redwood County and none of them looked like this bird.&nb=
sp; The Chippewa County location was along Co. Rd. 40 south of US 212/Hwy 2=
3 and just north of Gneiss Outcrops SNA.&nbsp; There is a low-lying farm ar=
ea with a small wetland and a fence line with a tangle of trees across the =
road from a farm field with a private residence at the north end.&nbsp; I'm=
 sorry for the late post and the poor directions.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#000000 size=3D2>Bob Williams, Bloomington&=
nbsp; </FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML>
