[mou] Update Gray-crowned Rosy Finches

Mike Hendrickson smithville4@charter.net
Fri, 1 Dec 2006 15:32:33 -0600

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The three rosy finches arrived at the location at 1:05pm and fed on the =
ground in front of the blue building for a short period of time. Then =
around 1:15-18pm they were flushed up by the workers and landed in the =
back of one of the service trucks and fed in the bed of the truck. Then =
the birds flew up and headed over to the Reservation school across from =
the original location. Peder Svingen and I drove over there and refound =
the finches feeding on the ground near some enclosed dumpsters. The =
birds then flew up and try to land on my truck and also on Peder's =
truck! I took a ton of photos of the birds on top of the fence near the =
enclosed dumpsters. Then the finches began to chase each other and they =
few over to the playground and fed near some other green dumpsters =
giving me wonderful opportunities to digiscope the finches feeding on =
the ground.  Then the bird flew up and headed back over to the Resource =
(blue) buildings at 1:45pm. Peder was there taking more photos when I =
left for home. So if the birds are not at the Resource buildings drive =
over to the school and check the playground area behind the school.

I posted some of the picture of these finches on my website and they can =
be found in "Recent Sightings"

Good Birding!

Michael Hendrickson
Duluth, Minnesota
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<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2>The three rosy finches =
arrived at the=20
location at 1:05pm and fed on the ground in front of the blue building =
for a=20
short period of time. Then around 1:15-18pm they were flushed up by the =
and landed in the back of one of the service trucks and fed in the bed =
of the=20
truck. Then the birds flew up and headed over to the Reservation school =
from the original location. Peder Svingen and I drove over there and =
refound the=20
finches feeding on the ground near some enclosed dumpsters. The birds =
then flew=20
up and try to land on my truck and also on Peder's truck! I took a ton =
of photos=20
of the birds on top of the fence near the enclosed dumpsters. Then the =
began to chase each other and they few over to the playground and fed =
near some=20
other green dumpsters giving me wonderful opportunities to digiscope the =
feeding on the ground.&nbsp; Then the bird flew up and headed back over =
to the=20
Resource (blue) buildings at 1:45pm. Peder was there taking more photos =
when I=20
left for home. So if the birds are not at the Resource buildings drive =
over to=20
the school and check the playground area behind the school.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2>I posted some of the picture =
of these=20
finches on my website and they can be found in "Recent =
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2>Good Birding!</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2>Michael =
