[mou] Rough-legged Hawks, Short-eared Owls, Carlos Avery, Dec 4

Erika Sitz esitz@goldengate.net
Tue, 5 Dec 2006 14:00:56 -0600

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>From about 3pm to 5pm yesterday, we drove a figure-eight loop around Carlos
Avery and saw a total of 10 Rough-legged Hawks and at least four Short-eared
Owls.  Nothing on the NW corner this time, but saw the first two
Rough-legged Hawks and a Harrier, female or juv, along the road parallel to
and east of the Pool 10 main road.  Two more Rough-leggeds east of there by
Pool 6.

Saw something flying to the east from Pool 8 Rd, turned right and watched
four Rough-legged hunt in the field before the east edge.  One was down in
the field eating for several minutes before resuming the hunt.  Turned
around and completed the loop around Pool 9 and watched two more
Rough-leggeds south of Pool 9, as they appeared to call it a day and headed
for the wooded area to the west.  Followed them a short ways, but turned
around in the SE corner to go back up Pool 10 Rd, since we figured 4:15pm
was getting to be owl time.

Spotted what could have been up to five large raptors across Pool 9, and
stopped at the parking spot by the small ridge. For about 15 min, we watched
three Short-eared Owls hunting.  Paul managed to get them into the scope
several times.  I wasn't able to, but once, when one flew closer and the low
sun picked it up, I didn't need it - I could see all its beautiful markings
crystal-clear with the binuculars.  Such a gorgeous bird - is there a bird
guide anywhere that does it justice?

Headed out to the NE corner, and just before 5pm, spotted the fourth
Short-eared Owl, sitting roadside on a pole by Pool 22, got to within 10 ft
before it flew back.  Capped it off, in the very last light, with a Great
Horned Owl in a large tree almost to the eastern boundary.

Special thanks to Robin LaFortune for her post on Sunday that got us over
there for my wonderful birhday present.

Erika Sitz,
Ramsey, north Anoka County

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<DIV>From about 3pm to 5pm yesterday, we drove a figure-eight loop =
around Carlos=20
Avery and saw a total of 10 Rough-legged Hawks and at least four =
Owls.&nbsp; Nothing on the NW corner this time, but saw the first two=20
Rough-legged Hawks and a Harrier, female or juv,&nbsp;along the road =
parallel to=20
and east of the Pool 10 main road.&nbsp; Two more Rough-leggeds east of =
there by=20
Pool 6.&nbsp; </DIV>
<DIV>Saw something flying to the east from Pool 8 Rd, turned right and =
four Rough-legged hunt in the field&nbsp;before the east edge.&nbsp; One =
down in the field eating for several minutes before resuming the =
Turned around and completed the loop around Pool 9 and&nbsp;watched two =
Rough-leggeds south of Pool 9, as they appeared to call it a day and =
headed for=20
the wooded area to the west.&nbsp; Followed them a short ways, but =
turned around=20
in the SE corner to go back up Pool 10 Rd, since we figured 4:15pm was =
to be owl time.&nbsp; </DIV>
<DIV>Spotted what could have been up to five large raptors across Pool =
9, and=20
stopped at the parking spot by the small ridge. For about 15 min,=20
we&nbsp;watched three Short-eared Owls hunting.&nbsp; Paul managed to =
get them=20
into the scope several times.&nbsp; I wasn't able to, but once, when one =
closer and the low sun picked it up, I didn't need it - I could see all =
beautiful markings crystal-clear with the binuculars.&nbsp; Such a =
gorgeous bird=20
- is there a bird guide anywhere that does it justice?&nbsp; </DIV>
<DIV>Headed out to the NE corner, and just before 5pm, spotted the =
Short-eared Owl, sitting roadside on a pole by Pool 22, got to within 10 =
before it flew back.&nbsp; Capped it off, in the very last light, with a =
Horned Owl in a large tree almost to the eastern boundary.</DIV>
<DIV>Special thanks to Robin LaFortune for her post on Sunday that got =
us over=20
there for my wonderful birhday present.</DIV>
<DIV>Erika Sitz,</DIV>
<DIV>Ramsey, north Anoka County</DIV></BODY></HTML>
