[mou] CBCs need expereinced birders

mncbc@rohair.com mncbc@rohair.com
Wed, 6 Dec 2006 12:47:23 -0500 (EST)

One need I heard expressed several times at the MOU Paper session from
Christmas Bird Count coordinators is the need for experienced birders to
participate in order to thoroughly cover the count circle.

Please help the CBC effort by participating on a count this season. Please
also consider allowing a novice birder accompany you. If we want to assure
that we always have people involved in birding that care for birds and
their needs (habitat/environment/protection) we need to help novice
birders develop their skills so that their interest in birding becomes
strong enough to lead them to a care and concern for the environment.

Thanks for your consideration, and enjoy the season.
Roger Schroeder