[mou] Gray-Crowned Rosy finch update

Nathan Schirmacher natester166@hotmail.com
Wed, 6 Dec 2006 19:46:47 -0500

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This morning my Dad and I went to see the Rosy finches.They were there as o=
f 9:30 A.M. We also went to Duluth .On Canal Park there was a Iceland gull,=
a possible Glaucous gull,and many Herring gulls.In Two Harbers there was so=
me ducks including Red-Breasted Mergansers.On the way back we went to look =
for the Three-Toed and Black Backed wood peckers in Aitkin.We striked out o=
n those but had some flocks of Pine Grosbeaks.In Kathio State Park there wa=
s a probable Screech Owl.Nathan SchirmacherPrinceton,MN
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<body><div style=3D"text-align: left;">This morning my Dad and I went to se=
e the Rosy finches.They were there as of 9:30 A.M. We also went to Duluth .=
On Canal Park there was a Iceland gull,a possible Glaucous gull,and many He=
rring gulls.In Two Harbers there was some ducks including Red-Breasted Merg=
ansers.On the way back we went to look for the Three-Toed and Black Backed =
wood peckers in Aitkin.We striked out on those but had some flocks of Pine =
Grosbeaks.In Kathio State Park there was a probable Screech Owl.<br><br>Nat=
han Schirmacher<br>Princeton,MN<br><br><br></div><br /><hr />Use Messenger =
to talk to your IM friends, even those on Yahoo! <a href=3D'http://ideas.li=
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arget=3D'_new'>Talk now!</a></body>
