[mou] Varied Thrush & Canal Park updates

Kim R Eckert kreckert@cpinternet.com
Fri, 8 Dec 2006 16:53:10 -0600

The Varied Thrush which was just seen by Chris Mansfield in Duluth was 
also reported on Monday, Dec 4, by the folks who run the Ellery House B 
& B, which is located on the E side of 21st Ave East, 1/2 block below 
Superior St. It was seen in the wooded ravine behind the B & B.

This afternoon at Canal Park in Duluth, one female-plumaged Harlequin 
Duck was still present, along with 1 adult Thayer's Gull, an adult 
Glaucous Gull, plus late-lingering Gadwall and Ring-necked Duck.  - Kim 