[mou] Today Carlos Avery

william bronn william_1007@msn.com
Sat, 9 Dec 2006 11:12:32 -0600

The simplest way to see the Short-eared owls at Carlos Avery WMA is:=20
Enter the park via Zodiac going north from Co. 18,
At the Headquarters (end of Zodiac), turn right (east)on Headquarters =
Drive about 2 mi to where the road takes a sharp left (north)turn (this =
the intersection of Hq.Rd and Pool 10 Rd; there is a street sign there)
Go north maybe 3/4 mi where Pool 9 Rd enters from the rt (east)BUT =
on Pool 10 Rd (through the gates - there was a beautiful Rough-legged on =
gate) Pool 10 Rd follows the sanctuary boundry (it may change its name, =
didn't notice)but continue following the road along side the sanctuary =
on your left)a total of ~1.3 mi. THAT is the spot. Most of the activity =
towards Pool 5 (MW side of road) but a few were on the other side also.=20
Bill Bronn

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Fagyal [mailto:cfagyal@avianphotos.org]=20
Sent: Saturday, December 09, 2006 8:36 AM
To: william bronn
Subject: Re: [mou] Today Carlos Avery

william bronn wrote:
> Today I sighted 28 Rough-legged hawks in the central section of Carlos =

> Avery WMA, mostly on the east side of pools 10 & 9 but also pools 26 & =

> 8, etc. I=92m sure this is an over-count because they were moving =
> frequently, especially while I watched through the scope and I=20
> couldn=92t see it BUT THERE WERE PLENTY. I circled the area=20
> counter-clockwise and came back south-west between pools 4 & 5. There, =

> a hundred yds inside the entry gate, I met Denni Martin who was=20
> already watching a mob of Short Eared owls (7 then 9 and after that=20
> one could only guess how many, maybe 15) very actively hunting and=20
> chasing sometimes low over the marsh grass, sometimes considerably=20
> higher. The show=92s peak was between 4:00 and 4:30 PM, quickly =
> by a red sunset.
> Bill Bronn
> Maplewood
The short-eared owls..are you talking about on Zodiac? Where exactly did =

you see so many? I'd like to go check it out this afternoon.
