[mou] Pheasant question

Kathleen Connelly connellyka@earthlink.net
Sun, 10 Dec 2006 06:35:49 -0600

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When a birdy friend recounted an argument she had with hunters about whethe=
or not ring necked pheasants are or are not an introduced species (=AD of
course they are =AD their origin is China) I began to wonder, do these birds
displace native birds?  Cornell=B9s site gives the following information abou=
them: Habitat - Agricultural land, especially cultivated lands interspersed
with grass ditches, hedges, marshes, woodland borders, and brushy groves;
Food - Seeds, especially cultivated grain, grasses, leaves, roots, wild
fruits and nuts, and insects;
Behavior - Foraging , scratches on ground and digs with bill for food; Nest
Type - On ground, in tall grass or weeds. A scrape in ground or vegetation.
Unlined or sparsely lined with vegetation, and occasionally a few breast
feathers from female.   Does any one know?

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<TITLE>Pheasant question</TITLE>
<FONT FACE=3D"Times New Roman"><SPAN STYLE=3D'font-size:12.0px'>When a birdy fr=
iend recounted an argument she had with hunters about whether or not ring ne=
cked pheasants are or are not an introduced species (&#8211; of course they =
are &#8211; their origin is China) I began to wonder, do these birds displac=
e native birds? &nbsp;Cornell&#8217;s site gives the following information a=
bout them: Habitat - Agricultural land, especially cultivated lands interspe=
rsed with grass ditches, hedges, marshes, woodland borders, and brushy grove=
s; &nbsp;Food - Seeds, especially cultivated grain, grasses, leaves, roots, =
wild fruits and nuts, and insects;<BR>
Behavior - Foraging , scratches on ground and digs with bill for food; Nest=
 Type - On ground, in tall grass or weeds. A scrape in ground or vegetation.=
 Unlined or sparsely lined with vegetation, and occasionally a few breast fe=
athers from female. &nbsp;&nbsp;Does any one know?</SPAN></FONT>
