[mou] whooping crane update

Robert_Russell@fws.gov Robert_Russell@fws.gov
Mon, 11 Dec 2006 10:33:08 -0600

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The "first family" of whooping cranes of the eastern experimental
population (2 adults and one chick) departed Necedah NWR in central
Wisconsin on 19 November, stopped for 3 weeks along the Wabash River in=

Indiana, departed that site on 7 December, and with some brisk NW winds=

arrived on the west coast of Florida on 9 December at Chassahowitzka NW=
The next day they moved inland to the parent birds' previous wintering
locale on a cattle ranch.  Another major step achieved in this exciting=

reintroduction project.  I'll have a complete update on this project fo=
folks in a week or two.  Bob Russell, USFWS=

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<p>The &quot;first family&quot; of whooping cranes of the eastern exper=
imental population (2 adults and one chick) departed Necedah NWR in cen=
tral Wisconsin on 19 November, stopped for 3 weeks along the Wabash Riv=
er in Indiana, departed that site on 7 December, and with some brisk NW=
 winds arrived on the west coast of Florida on 9 December at Chassahowi=
tzka NWR.  The next day they moved inland to the parent birds' previous=
 wintering locale on a cattle ranch.  Another major step achieved in th=
is exciting reintroduction project.  I'll have a complete update on thi=
s project for folks in a week or two.  Bob Russell, USFWS</body></html>=
