[mou] Lark Bunting in Duluth

Jim Lind jslind@frontiernet.net
Mon, 11 Dec 2006 18:25:25 -0600

This afternoon Dave Grosshuesch found an female/immature Lark Bunting 
along Airbase Road near the Duluth airport.  Coming from the south on 
US Highway 53, turn right (north) onto Stebner Road, and go 0.25 mile 
and turn right (east) onto Airbase Road.  The bird was foraging along 
the shoulder, at the tree line 0.1 mile from Stebner Road.  In the 
past, birders have had occasional run-ins with local law enforcement 
and military personnel in this area, but we spent nearly an hour 
watching the bird and no one said anything.

If accepted, this would be the latest date for the state by more than 
a month (aside from an overwintering record in Winona County in the 
1970's).  This is also second Lark Bunting that Dave has found in 
northeast Minnesota this year.

Unfortunately, the spot is 0.25 mile outside of the Duluth CBC count 
circle.  So on Saturday if the bird is still around, we need a 
handful of birders to encourage the bird to move down the road about 
a quarter mile (ha ha).  But seriously, if anyone is looking for 
something to do on Saturday, we can always use help on the CBC.  My 
number is 218-834-3199, if anyone is interested.

Jim Lind