[mou] Slaty-backed Gull tonight, 12/12/06

James Mattsson mattjim@earthlink.net
Mon, 11 Dec 2006 19:21:59 -0600

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The adult SBGU was first seen tonight at about 3:40pm at the east end of the east lake at Black Dog. It joined several hundred other gulls that were standing/roosting on the ice on the south side of the lake, perhaps 300 m from our position.
It mostly preened and then disappeared into the mass of other gulls. Its rich pink legs were visible. It was not seen in flight. At least 2 adult Glaucous Gulls were present as was an interesting 1st year white-winged gull with an all dark bill. Also present was the extremely bleached gull with a pure white head, mostly dark bill and dark eye, and gray blotched mantle - this bird has been present for nearly two weeks now but to my knowledge has not been seen in flight. 

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<DIV>The adult SBGU was first seen tonight at about 3:40pm at the east end of the east lake at Black Dog. It&nbsp;joined several hundred other gulls that were standing/roosting on the ice on the south side of the lake, perhaps 300 m from our position.</DIV>
<DIV>It mostly preened and then disappeared into the mass of other gulls. Its rich pink legs were visible. It was not seen in flight. At least 2 adult Glaucous Gulls were present as&nbsp;was an interesting 1st year white-winged gull with an all dark bill. Also present was the&nbsp;extremely bleached gull with a pure white head, mostly dark bill and dark eye, and gray blotched mantle&nbsp;- this bird has been present for nearly two weeks now but to my knowledge has not been seen in flight. </DIV>