[mou] Slaty-backed Gull update

norskestar@comcast.net norskestar@comcast.net
Wed, 13 Dec 2006 05:27:42 +0000

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The Slaty-backed Gull was still present on the east end of Black Dog Lake on 12/12 at 3:55 p.m.  Several of us observed it preening in the water and roosting  on the ice. This was the same location as 12/11, and roughly the same timing.  
Bill Stjern
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<DIV>The Slaty-backed Gull was still present on the east end of Black Dog Lake on 12/12 at 3:55 p.m.&nbsp; Several of us observed it preening in the water and&nbsp;roosting&nbsp;&nbsp;on the ice. This was the same location as 12/11, and roughly the same timing.&nbsp; </DIV>
<DIV>Bill Stjern</DIV></body></html>
